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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Analysis of the Film The 11th Hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Investigation of the Film The eleventh Hour - Essay Example The exposition Investigation of the Film The eleventh Hour outlines the film about the hopeless harm caused to the world by the modern development. The speed with which characteristic assets are draining is gigantic. Natural surroundings of numerous creature and plant species have been totally pulverized by the a dangerous atmospheric devation, therefore making those species become terminated. The improvement is exceptionally unreasonable. On the off chance that fundamental measures are not taken at the eleventh hour, the entire world would before long need to lament their incautious and rude practices. So as to battle against the ever-declining natural conditions, it is basic that we, as dependable residents, take target measures on an individual level. We can accomplish this by planting seeds, developing trees, and dealing with creatures. Sunlight based vitality ought to be utilized for a wide range of requirements rather than fuel and gas. The film extends that these issues are a greater amount of political nature than specialized. Generally, there have been numerous political purposes behind the earth threatening practices. The film passes on that the eventual fate of Earth lies in the possession of the youthful age. What I explicitly preferred about this film was the state of mind where it passed on the message. For a long while, I felt as though I had been viewing an extraordinary activity film. The activity was especially important on the grounds that it offered the crowd an investigate what's to come. I additionally like the title of this film without question. It has been sufficiently and intentionally chose and goes perfectly with the topic of the film.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
College Writing - An Important Step To Write A Student Writing Paper
College Writing - An Important Step To Write A Student Writing PaperThe student writing paper must be written to get the most out of it. It is not an easy task to write and get across your ideas in the most accurate way. You have to make sure that the content is right for the audience.For this, you must know the main idea of the paper. The audience must understand what you want to say and the gist of the discussion you are trying to make. Sometimes the writer gets confused on the best approach. It is important to keep the audience in mind.Writing a student writing paper is not as simple as it may seem. It takes a lot of commitment and effort to complete it. You have to have enough time to spend and devote to it.This requires that you have all the basic requirements such as discipline, good memory, punctuality, and a willing heart. These are some of the things that you must possess in order to write a good and effective student writing paper. This also requires that you get the help o f someone to polish up your writing skills.You need someone who can guide you and help you in finishing the paper. You should consult him or her so that he or she can assist you in getting through the task that you are doing. The other option is to do it yourself.You can try doing it yourself as it is relatively easier than other ways. However, it is better to consult an expert so that he or she can advise you about how to write a student writing paper. However, you should know your subject and have an understanding about it.As mentioned above, the style of writing a college paper is unique. You should remember that you must have different styles of writing. There are occasions when you will need to write something from the side view. In this case, you have to make sure that the style suits the kind of perspective you are writing about.The college papers are generally longer. There are times when you have to add more information. Therefore, it is important that you remember to add m ore facts in your paper.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Poetry For The Art free essay sample
It just pauses for a minute for the words to stretch and wind up fitting properly. They reach and chat until everything bodes well and theres my demeanor. I wound up searching for verse in all things. From places self-evident, similar to verses to music and assortments by E.E. Cummings, to the manner in which I could clarify how I felt right now or in the things individuals near me did or said. By one way or another following a time of composing a sonnet a day I see that the work I do with words regularly makes an interpretation of itself into my craftsmanship. Its simple to work with an idea after I compose a sonnet dependent on the thought. It assists with mooring me to the work and shields me from losing enthusiasm for a piece. Theres this one piece I have of a lady remaining on her hands, her handholds a glass box with a gold pocket watch swinging inside, effectively broken, shooting these red bolts with her feet while tumult encompasses her and two towers ascend before her with the words Wonderful Torment composed on them. We will compose a custom exposition test on Verse For The Art or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page After I coaxed it out I felt naturally appended to the piece on the grounds that all aspects of it implied something and words helped me interface myself to the circumstance my character was in. She was in a condition of mayhem while attempting to keep her equalization, and in any event, living through her own bolts returning to get her. Being a young person is living in this condition of steady bedlam all while attempting to keep control of yourself and the decisions you make, in light of the fact that at long last that is the thing that characterizes us. Furthermore, a few people go to antagonistic things to shield everything from making them tumble off their mind, rather I pick workmanship and verse to keep me grounded. Im communicating and finding better approaches to show individuals a bit of myself, regardless of whether its somewhat confounding to somebody who probably won't realize me well. All the things we experience change us and stick themselves into the little cleft of what our identity is. Without the second where I originally got a pencil with the craving to draw, I wouldnt have even idea to go to the school I go to, I wouldnt have met every one of these individuals who have helped me find out about existence and how things work and how abandoning something you need to do on the grounds that its too ha rd is a crazy thought. The one thing about craftsmanship that I need to do yet battle with, is my self representations. In any case, who says Im going to abandon it? No chance! Im going to battle with it until I dont any longer. I can get as baffled with myself for destroying extent, or getting the concealing incorrectly in a specific spot of my strangely made face however at long last Im continually going to return in and work until it feels right. Sick utilize my setbacks as a learning experience, theyll show me patients and what it is to think about something enough to proceed through it regardless. The idea tallies and the idea will consistently convert into one of the two mediums I use to communicate them. Put surrendering into point of view. Consider the possibility that the engineer never completed his representations. No structure can be made. Imagine a scenario where our English instructors chose to peruse a large portion of the book and test us in general thing. Everybody would fall flat! Consider the possibility that you didnt compose your school paper in light of the fact that the possibility of it baffled you. Good karma getting into school! Ordinary we as a whole settle on a decision to proceed with the things we begin and as a craftsman that is a quality that is required so as to succeed. I will not release any of my plans to squander. This year I composed a sonnet a day thus far I have a little more than 300. One year from now I figure Ill do a sonnet and an attracting to coordinate it consistently that way I realize I wont abandon it. Surrendering accomplishes nothing for us, so Im going to take the necessary steps to remain centered and move beyond obstructions so as to ge t by as a craftsman. Im keeping that one great quality about me and utilizing it to further my potential benefit.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Writers choice Essay - 1100 Words
Writers' choice (Essay Sample) Content: Writers ChoiceName of Students Institution Writers ChoiceOne of the major future challenges in public healthcare in the fragmentation of public health infrastructure because of governmental roles and responsibilities (Institute of Medicine, 2002). Public health infrastructure as future challenge at the federal, state, and local levels includes lack of adequate preparation of the workforce at the public health sector, poor information systems and inadequate public health laboratories, this includes problems in organizational structures and ineffective management of public health activities (Institute of Medicine, 2002). The government has devised ways of responding to this future challenge through involving governmental public health agencies to achieve their objectives in public health system. The aim is to improve healthcare and provide a set of directions for public health which should attract the support of a broader society. Public health is a local and state fun ction from a historical perspective. Thus the state and local government are charged with important primary roles ((WHO, 2001). The strengths of the federal governments in tackling public health challenges is based on the availability of resources, professional expertise, and the responsibility to assess public health and to provide better recommendations for improvement. Ensuring an effective and efficient public health infrastructure is an urgent matter, thus, the public, local and federal government should share a responsibility in public health planning (WHO, 2001). Core functions of leaders responsible at all levels of government include assessment, the design of adequate policy, hence public health system must be supported by political will of leaders who commit resources and influence based on evidence and should involve an adoption of a sound public policy designed by policy makers from public health agencies that consider health effects on citizens. A strong and effectiv e governmental public health infrastructure is to respond to future health crises and to address current challenges such as preventing the occurrence of chronic illnesses, controlling the emergence of infectious diseases, and monitoring food and water safety to ensure public health is maintained (Institute of Medicine, 2002).An important way to address public health challenges at all government levels is to involve all sectors, public health institutions and agencies and the healthcare system through the creation of an efficient and effective inter-sectoral public health system. Past achievement in public health should be reviewed which may be impacted upon by the concerns about falling short in the present and being un prepared to deal with future public health challenges (Institute of Medicine, 2002) . The nature of health as a public asset should be explored since it a fundamental and statutory duty of the government to ensure an appropriate public health. The government should examine the reasons for the current nations deficient health care infrastructure in order to predict future challenges.Mental health is an important public health issue since mental disorders contribute a significant public health problem worldwide. In the whole world, more than 450 million people suffer from mental disorders (WHO, 2001). I U.S, Mental illness as a public health issue account for over 25% of disability (US Department of Health and Human Services 1999). According to a report by US Department of Health and Human Services (1999) a larger proportion of adult population in the United States has mental disorders. Mental health as public health problem that have various health implications to many people in America. The public health problems that are associated with mental health include anxiety disorders, impulse control disorders, mood disorders, sub-stance use disorders (Kessler, et al, 2005). According a report by the National Institute of Mental Health (2005) it is e stimated that one in every ten children in U.S suffers from mental illness that contributes mental impairment. Mental disorders have implications in various areas among different cultural, racial and ethnic groups, including people from all socio-economic backgrounds (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2001). In US, mental health problems have led to an estimated spending of $150 billion each year excluding the costs of research (President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, 2003). Chapman, et al, (2005) stated that mental disorders could influence the occurrence of other illnesses and often correlate with other risky behavioral activities like substance abuse, smoking tobacco, and physical inactivity. Strategies that can be employed by the government to improve mental health as a public health issues is to identify the risk factors, make the public more aware of the effects of mental disorders, and to create awareness on the effectiveness of treatment options availa ble. The government aim at eliminating health disparities, improve public health infrastructure to increase the access to mental health services particularly among disproportionately affected population (WHO, 2001).According to President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, (2003) a program for policy change that addresses the issue at the community, state, or federal level in order to improve mental health at the community, state or federal level, is to incorpo...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Understand What Normality Means in Chemistry
Normality is a measure of concentration equal to the gram equivalent weight per liter of solution. Gram equivalent weight is the measure of the reactive capacity of a molecule. The solutes role in the reaction determines the solutions normality. Normality is also known as the equivalent concentration of a solution. Normality Equation Normality (N) is the molar concentration ci divided by an equivalence factor feq: N ci / feq Another common equation is normality (N) equal to the gram equivalent weight divided by liters of solution: N gram equivalent weight / liters of solution (often expressed in g/L) or it may be the molarity multiplied by the number of equivalents: N molarity x equivalents Units of Normality The capital letter N is used to indicate concentration in terms of normality. It may also be expressed as eq/L (equivalent per liter) or meq/L (milliequivalent per liter of 0.001 N, typically reserved for medical reporting). Examples of Normality For acid reactions, a 1 M H2SO4 solution will have a normality (N) of 2 N because 2 moles of H ions are present per liter of solution.For sulfide precipitation reactions, where the SO4- ion is the important part, the same 1 M H2SO4 solution will have a normality of 1 N. Example Problem Find the normality of 0.1 M H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) for the reaction: H2SO4 2 NaOH → Na2SO4 2 H2O According to the equation, 2 moles of H ions (2 equivalents) from sulfuric acid react with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and water. Using the equation: N molarity x equivalentsN 0.1 x 2N 0.2 N Dont be confused by the number of moles of sodium hydroxide and water in the equation. Since youve been given the molarity of the acid, you dont need the additional information. All you need to figure out are how many moles of hydrogen ions are participating in the reaction. Since sulfuric acid is a strong acid, you know it completely dissociates into its ions. Potential Issues Using N for Concentration Although normality is a useful unit of concentration, it cant be used for all situations because its value depends on an equivalence factor that can change based on the type of chemical reaction of interest. As an example, a solution of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) may be 1 N for the Mg2 ion, yet 2 N for the Cl- ion. While N is a good unit to know, its not used as much as molarity or molality in actual lab work. It has value for acid-base titrations, precipitation reactions, and redox reactions. In acid-base reactions and precipitation reactions, 1/feq is an integer value. In redox reactions, 1/feq may be a fraction.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Understanding The Biblical Worldview Of The Bible Of Two...
Understanding The Biblical Worldview â€Å"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death†(Proverb 14:12.) In order to fully comprehend this proverb, one must go back to the beginning of the Bible. There is a story in the Bible of two brothers, Jacob and Esau. This story begins in the book of Genesis with a man named Isaac, praying to the Lord on behalf of his barren wife Rebekah. The Lord answered Isaac’s prayer and Rebekah conceived. The Bible states that the children struggled together within her, therefore, she went to inquire of the Lord for an explanation. The Lord told Rebekah that she would give birth to two boys who will represent two nations; one shall be stronger than the other and that the†¦show more content†¦Henderson states that a worldview is â€Å"a commitment to a basic view about reality;†furthermore, he states that a worldview â€Å"determines the shape of someone’s emotions, one’s wisdom, one’s desires, a nd one’s will.†(Henderson, â€Å"What is a Worldview?†) These definitions clearly describes Esau’s scenario. Esau had a basic view about reality. He believed in himself and his cunning ability as a hunter. In a moment of sudden urge, his emotions and desires bonded together to lust after his fleshly craving, which led him to despise his birthright. The Bible also states that Esau went his own way. Consequently, Esau’s worldview caused him to live by his own rules and to take his own pathway in life. This illustration is also a representation of most people in today’s society and in time past, they do what ever they feel is right, which is also the reason for most â€Å"isms†and â€Å"schisms†such as materialism, hedonism, relativism, communism, atheism, just to name a few. The Bible calls the end of these ways, â€Å"†¦ the ways of death†(Proverb 14:12). Most importantly, God is absent from this viewpoint. Unlike the Worldview, the Biblical worldview is Christ-centered. Dr. Henderson defines this view as being, â€Å" centered on Jesus Christ, the ultimate Revelation of God, and as the God-man who accomplished our reconciliation to God through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead†(Henderson, â€Å"What is the Christian Worldview?†) Jacob represents this viewpoint. Initially, Jacob also
Principles of Responsible Business
Question: Case study on corporate social responsibility. Answer: Main arguments Tarek Kedway has been the manager of the corporate affairs and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) head at Swiss Group. His overall goal since his recruitment since 2009 has to help to the society development activities and CSR. Tarek was sort an approval from CEO to initiate the CSR program and the approval that he got was just verbal no documentation. (Oxford Business Group, 2014) It can be arguably when there was depression in the economic and political circumstances in 2012, the Swiss Group CEO and top management refused to offer them formal approval for the funding of the SME projects in CSR. They had previously agreed but as a result of the meltdown they refused the funding. To make the matters worse is that the CSR strategy is among the company goals for the development. The CEO and the top managers knew this but they refused with the approvals for funding (Oxford Business Group, 2014). Reasons and rationalizations The Group CEO and the senior managers know there is funding allocated for the CSR program, but do not wish to allocate. The CEO shows not concerns of the CSR program and who it will benefit. The CSR program purpose is to help the less fortunate women who took care of their children and the families financially (Oxford Business Group, 2015). It is very unethical for the Swiss Group CEO and the top management approve funding to help the women and their children. The rationale of the target group were the women since they are regarded as the final consumer of the food products. This is in effect of the breakdown of the economic and political circumstances caused the collapse of the CSR program and the denial of the approval in the first instance. The management and CEO did not want the things to be changed the way they ran at the company by Tarek asking for CSR funding (Oxford Business Group, 2014). The group CEO was uncommitted to the company activities of the CSR program. The budget is not approved to benefits, the community and they have their reasons not to approve it, is seen as wastage of the funds of the company. Whats at stake for the key parties? The reputation, image of the Swiss Group would be destroyed among the stakeholders in the society and the customer if they backed down on their promises of the CSR programs. They had identified 100 families in the three governorates since, Tarek had done market scan with Be Positive. (Ahram, 2011) If the stakeholders, and the customers found out that they had backed this would greatly damage on the image of the Swiss Group and its community development strategy as well. What could you use to influence and argue to those who disagree As part of corporate social responsibility of the companies, it is ethical for the Swiss Group to provide development to the community. They are entitled to offer something back and help the society that is within them. If the good image for the company is to be maintained, and the stakeholders, they need to serve the community by implementing certain program like the CSR (Tanimoto, 2013). The CEO and the top management should note that the CSR program is part of the obligation of the organization and approve the funds to facilitate the program. Most powerful and rational response I have come to note that the company is not intending to play its crucial role of community development program that it should. The main source of the problem to delay these program is the Swiss Group CEO and the top or senior Managers. In my opinion, if the image and the reputation of the company is to be maintained it should be ethical that these programs are implemented and the appropriate funding providing. In this way, the shareholders and the customers in those community would see the Group cares for their well-being (Oxford Business Group, 2015). Who should the argument be made to and what context The argument should be made to Group CEO and the chief Financial officer and it should be made verbally. Individual script In my script I have used a narrator in order to introduce the facts of the case, and Tarek Kedwany conscience to highlight how he thought of certain things and the choices he made on them. The main character are Tarek, the Group CEO and the senior Managers. Narrator: Tarek Kedwany is the Manager of the corporate affairs and the head of the Corporate Social Responsibility at the Swiss Group. His main roles since 2009, is help on the society development activities and the CSR programs. In the year 2010, he sought for an approval from the Swiss Group CEO to undertake a CSR program. He was given the approval verbally without any documentation. Things got worse when there was breakdown in the economic and political circumstances in Egypt, resulting to fluctuation of the raw materials, unfair practices from competitors and high cost of living. The CEO and the top management refused to give him the formal approval for the CSR program. There was a conflict of interest between these groups, knowing very well that there were funds allocated for the same. Tarek: why are they refusing to approve and the strategy of the Swiss Group clearly shows that one and half percent of the net profit is allocated for these programs? Narrator: and.. Tarek: I wonder why they are refusing to approve and the reputation of the Swiss Group depend on this. Narrator: and Tarek: I know they can afford the funding for the program and I need to articulate and talk with the senior managers in a better way. Narrator: Tarek knew he needed to articulate a different strategy to approach this issue to be approved. Tarek conscience: I need to implement a strategy, first by looking at all the angels to make sure that the plan is not disapproved again. Tarek: What about explaining that have consulted the Be Positive and they have already done market scan and waiting for project to go ahead. Surely they would not want me to tell them it is canceled in this case they would greatly loss. Narrator: Tarek schedules a meeting with the CEO and the chief financial officer to push on his agenda once more for approval. He wrote comments, on what would go wrong, and reviewed severally on any other additional challenges that may occurs leading to his rejection. Tarek: can I speak to you. Group CEO: Of course you can. Come in. Tarek: I have been working on the issue of the CSR program and it has come to my attention that a highly reputed organization should pay attention to allocating funds for the CSR programs. Moreover, I have contacted the Be Positive to carry a market scan, they are just waiting for my response so that the project moves forward. If the project is suspended the Group risk damaging its image and its community development strategy. All I need is funding of at least 30% of total estimated budget. Group CEO: Okay. I think your argument makes a point, your budget of that amount will be approved by the Chief Finance Officer to cater for the 35 families. Tarek: Than you. I appreciate this news. References Ahram Online, (2011), Egypts industry on the rebound, Retrieved 11 December 2015. Oxford Business Group, (2014), Exports to drive Egyptian FMCG sector, Retrieved 6 November. Oxford Business Group, (2015), Positive signals for Egypts FMCG sector, Retrieved. Tanimoto, K. (2013). Sanpo-yoshi and CSR. In Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 2107-2114).
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